canada (1998-current)
Canada! Don't you just love it? The wide, open spaces, the cultural mosh-pit of folks from all over the globe, and oh yes, the scenery! Here you will discover a whole spectrum of colors and forms and new places to explore! View selections from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, and Quebec. I am valiantly working on plans to explore further eastward, never fear! Most of these photos were taken with either a Vivitar VS3000s film camera or an Olympus Stylus Epic Deluxe film camera. The digital cameras used were the Nikon D40, Nikon D5000, and Nikon D5100, and Canon D10, SD4000is, and G15. .
usa including bahamas (1998 to current)
USA! One of my favorite places to go, and not only to buy packs of Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi to haul back over the border in my suitcase! (yes, I've done it many times. It's allowed) or visit Las Vegas to gamble my little cowboy boots off. Here are photos of famous cities and various known sites. This section will likely grow larger over time, since I travel to the States every year on a mad shopping trip.